Ideal national and international VAT position
The world of VAT is extremely dynamic and constantly subject to change. VAT continuously surprises with new restrictions and opportunities. At LENOS c.s., we understand like no other that it is nearly impossible for you as an entrepreneur to stay up-to-date with all the latest developments. There are probably many questions within your company regarding your VAT position. Are you asking yourself the right questions about VAT? And are you making the most of your VAT position? For the specialists at LENOS c.s., both the national and international VAT landscape holds no secrets. We closely monitor all developments and provide you with expert advice to optimize your VAT position where necessary.

What questions do you have about your VAT position?
- Can I improve my VAT position
- What is the VAT rate for my goods?
- Why should I choose to deliver with VAT?
- Which goods and services are exempt from VAT?
- I sell my products via Amazon and, how does this work with VAT?
- Do I have to pay VAT when selling my commercial property?
- Is my subsidy taxable with VAT or not?
- How does VAT work with refunds, cancellations, credits or vouchers?
Why is an optimal VAT position important?
Every entrepreneur must pay and reclaim VAT. Value Added Taxes affect almost every business process and have a significant impact on your company’s finances. Therefore, an optimal VAT position is indispensable. To advise you on the best VAT options, we prefer to be involved in your business as early as possible. This way, we can offer you solutions before problems arise. For instance, we can ensure an immediately visible result in the return when we are involved at the front end of your VAT process. Naturally, we can also assist you afterward, but then you run the risk that certain VAT matters can no longer be corrected at this stage and you miss out on benefits.
Save money with sound advice
Changes in VAT rules can present opportunities or threats to your VAT position. At LENOS c.s., we are always up to date with the latest changes and inform you when these changes apply to your business. Our specialists’ advice can result in a lower VAT return or help avoid additional tax assessments and penalties with a flawless VAT submission. In any case, our advice can save you a lot of money. Wondering if your VAT position is optimal? Feel free to contact us.
Contact our professionals
Our partners are tax lawyers. We offer all the benefits of a smaller, flexible firm coupled with the experience one usually only finds in the largest tax consultancy firms. All partners have a long experience as VAT and customs inspectors with the Dutch Ministry of Finance as well as VAT and customs consultants with the largest tax consultancy firms in The Netherlands.
Toon Hasselman
Although specializing in VAT – his ‘taxes’ degree – his knowledge and experience extends far beyond this, and his teams have included International Trade & Customs (and other) Indirect Taxes specialists too. Toon has a no-nonsense approach, with a conclusive solution.
Michael van de Leur
Michael advises various national and international corporations, non-profit organizations and sometimes even government agencies on indirect taxation. His primary advises on VAT, his other areas of interest being real estate transfer taxes, import duty and excise duties.